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Laughter Club

Do you hate laughing so hard you can’t breath or smiling til your cheeks hurt? Then stay far away from our laughter club.  We use laughter and imagination to energize our bodies, connect us with others and shape our brains to be resilient, flexible and efficient!


Laughter Yoga was developed by a heart surgeon named Madan Kataria.  Recognizing the healing benefits laughter can provide.  He organized a group of people to laugh for happiness and health.  When we laugh a number of things happen:

Benefits of Laughing

Laughter Club Brochure


Increase blood oxygen levels

Release endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin

Increases Pain Threshold

Lowers Blood Pressure

Increases Immune System


Boosts Mood

Have More Energy

Decreases Anxiety and Stress

Increases Creativity


Bonds People Together

Defuses Conflicts

Increases Expression

Attracts Others

Of course we want to laugh.  But how? By laughing for no reason at all! Ivan Pavlov, the founder of classical conditioning, discovered that dogs would begin salivating when they hear a bell that was previously played when the dog received food.  You have been laughing at funny silly things your entire life.  When we simulate laughter, we respond like we always have by releasing feel good hormones.


Greg Hample’s Laughter Club establishes a comfortable place for people learning to enjoy laughing on purpose. Using exercises, intention, and the group dynamic things can get very wild.  Each person in the group adds their own energy and life experiences that the rest of the group can enjoy.

Laughter Club provides so much for well being and can be used anytime anywhere. Improve your life and other's by joining or requesting a laughter club workshop near you!

Laughter Exercises

Breathing Exercises- In yoga  ‘Pranayama’ means control of the breath. We use yoga breathing exercises to develop control and allow us to laugh deeper.


Conditioning Laughter-

Using our imagination we condition laughter with normal challenges in life.  This primes joy and relaxation, instead of stress and anxiety.

Inhibition Games-

Using silly and unique exercises we get comfortable expressing ourselves and doing what makes us and other’s feel good. This fosters autonomy and validation.

Social Exercises-

These exercises creates fun and playful communication.  People get to experience new sides of each other.  These cooperative interactions increases teamwork morale.  

Add Laughter to your Organization!



Gym Classes

Corporate Training

Support Groups

Event Entertainment

Retirement Homes

Company Parties


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